Thursday, April 10, 2014

You’re In The Car With A Bad Driver

You Go Swimming And The Water Is Too Cold

Your Girlfriend Says She Wants A Baby

You Just Kissed A Hot Girl

When I just miss the bus or subway

When someone posts their engagement pictures on Facebook

When girls younger than me get engaged

When you do not have an ID card

No internet connection

When you ring the alarm and do not know where you left it

When betting houses will drop coefficient

When the father explains to your mother what you came last night

When taking a look at the meter, and not even half way to the end of the ride

When checking whether you come to the right bus

When you find the girl

When the TV news for deaf and mute say they will hold elections

When the waiter brings you bill

When a worker at the gas going to ask for a salary

When you lose the match, but You remember that you played against itself in the betting

When you do not know the beginning of the song, and then goes the refrain

When you want to leave the girl and she gets pregnant

That feeling when you get out of the gym!

When they ask how much did you drink last night

When you call to play strip poker

When you explain buddy solving this problem with the test, and you realize you've done it wrong

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

When an older man sitting at the computer

That when you hear the first few questions on the exam

When you get up in the morning ...

When grandmother sees an empty place in the bus

Аfter eight beers you lie down on your back and try to sleep

When you come to terms with it to renew the year

When you remember that you did not lock the door

When you remind professor that you had homework

When you finally come on line in orthopedics

Monday morning ...

When you realize who you voted

When your wife sucks

What when drunk showing middle finger

When you show your family a new girlfriend

When your family sees new boyfriend

When your waitress says: "There is no cold beer, whether the crates .."

When the teacher will catch you prescribing

When you hear the cigarettes more expensive

When you come to the line at the dentist

When boss came

When you are transported from partying at which you gave your maximum

When you stop use steroids

When you explain to chinese man what you need